Tuesday 28 December 2021

Factors to Consider When Buying a Sciatica Pillow for Sleeping

From theinscribermag.com

Sciatica pain results from compression, inflammation, irritation, or pinching in the lower part of your back. This condition comes due to a herniated disk or narrowing of the spine that results in excess pressure on your nerve root. This pain robs you of a good night’s sleep because lying down increases pressure on the nerve. Luckily, there is a solution. You can avoid the pain by using a sciatica pillow for sleeping. Below are the factors to consider when you want to buy yours.

Weight and size

Sleeping pillows come in varying weights and sizes, and this feature is essential as it determines how comfortable your sleep will be. When buying one like a knee pillow for sleeping, you should consider this factor since manufacturers make them accommodative. When you plan to use it outside, you should go for a small and light one. 

Quality of materials

A product such as a leg knee pillow is as good as the quality of its material. Producers to make a sciatica pillow for sleeping as comfortably as possible use memory foam covered in fabric. However, density does differ. It would be best to test the thickness of the pillow you want to buy. Your comfort as you sleep will depend on the fabric and the density of the foam.


Sleeping pillows like the sciatica pillows have a contoured shape to fit between your legs comfortably. However, if you are a side sleeper, you should go for a sleeping pillow that you can easily sandwich between your thighs. On the same note, if you are a back sleeper, go for a cylindrical leg pillow or wedged as it will fit beneath your knees and help you with sciatica pain.

Firmness and support level

The essence of buying a sleeping pillow is to support you. When shopping for yours, you should consider how firm the pillow is. The trick here is considering your weight too. If you are heavy, you should go for a thick and firm pillow to support your weight. A thin and soft pillow should work fine for you if you are lightweight.

Temperature regulation

A Support product like a knee pillow for sleeping is made from memory foam that traps heat from your body. It would be best to check if the sleeping pillow is covered using breathable and cooling material to regulate how warm it will get when in use. Failure to do so, you will be uncomfortable after the pillow gets excessively warm from your body heat.


When shopping for things like a leg knee pillow, you should consider adaptability. How you sleep will determine how you use this factor in your shopping. For a side sleeper, you should go for a sciatica pillow for sleeping that’s made of flexible gel or destroyed foam that will fit between your knees as you turn when sleeping. In doing so, you will evade waking up to adjust the pillow in pursuit of comfort. Good sleep is essential for your body, but it will be elusive when in pain. Use this guide to help you shop for a sleeping pillow that will make you comfortable and manage spine pain while sleeping.


Monday 27 December 2021

Pain Relief For Your Sciatica

By James Schofield

Expert Author James Schofield

We've all heard the term "sciatica." Anyone who's had it knows it is one of the most painful conditions that can be experienced. This article will describe sciatica, it's cause, and a safe, gentle form of treatment that allows the avoidance of back surgery.

Strictly speaking, sciatica involves the pinching of the sciatic nerve. Five smaller nerves exit the lower spine and merge together to form the sciatic nerve. It is the largest nerve in the body (about the size of a finger) and also the longest nerve of the body, with fibres running from the lower back to the toes. Pain of the sciatic nerve is termed "sciatica."

Sciatica, many times, is caused by a problem with a lower back intervertebral disc. These discs can bulge, herniate, rupture or protrude backward and come in contact with smaller nerves or the sciatic nerve itself. The symptoms of sciatica include lower back pain, pain in the buttocks, and pain down the side or back of the thigh, calf and foot. Numbness and tingling can also occur in the lower extremity.

Diagnosis of sciatica begins with a doctor taking history and performing a physical exam. Typically x-rays and possibly MRI imaging is obtained. Treatment can take many routes but seeing a chiropractor for care is a non-surgical, drug-free approach that many will follow.

Chiropractors address sciatica by looking for the cause of the problem. As noted earlier, discs of the spine are involved. They typically become compressed and put pressure on the sciatic nerve. Therefore, a common form of treatment utilized by chiropractors is traction to decompress the intravertebral discs. Other conservative treatment modalities may involve the use of cold packs to decrease inflammation, electrical muscle stimulation to relax muscles in spasm, and gentle chiropractic manipulations to realign malpositions of the spine and pelvis.

Chiropractors can also apply deep pressure, trigger point therapy, to muscles in the hip area and along the lower spine.

Lifestyle recommendations and home exercises can be an important part of healing. Since a disc problem causing sciatica is usually worse in the morning it is important that patients begin their day slowly with a very gentle warm-up routine. Those suffering from sciatica find that allowing their back to warm-up makes the rest of the day go a lot easier.

Chiropractic care for sciatica generally takes several weeks to several months in duration. Since the cause of the problem originates in the lower back, any discomfort that travels down the leg is called radiating pain. During the course of healing most patients will start to see a decrease of their leg pain. This is a positive sign, and it is usually just a matter of time and treatment before the pain is fully eliminated.

The good news is that for over 125 years chiropractors have been helping patients heal from sciatica. Check with your chiropractor first before electing for surgery. Safe, gentle chiropractic care for sciatic nerve pain relief is, for many, the best approach. 


Thursday 23 December 2021

How to Ease Sciatica Without Surgery

From healthline.com


Sciatica describes pain that radiates down the back of the thigh and into the lower leg. It may be caused by irritation of one or more of the lower spinal nerves. The pain can be mild or severe, and often develops as a result of wear and tear on the lower spine. The good news is that sciatica is most often relieved through conservative methods within a matter of weeks and without requiring surgery. Working to improve your back and core strength while increasing flexibility throughout your hips and lower body will significantly reduce your chances of experiencing lower back pain and other symptoms of sciatica.

The symptoms of sciatica can vary from a mild ache to excruciating pain that radiates along the pathway of your sciatic nerve, which runs from your lower back down past your hips and into each leg. These symptoms can include numbness, tingling sensations, or muscle weakness that travels down the back of your thigh and into your calf or foot. It’s often worse with coughing or sneezing. Typically, people affected with sciatica will experience symptoms on only one side of the body. Although the pain may be severe, sciatica can most often be relieved through physical therapy, chiropractic and massage treatments, improvements in strength and flexibility, and the application of heat and ice packs.

There are many factors that can leave you susceptible to sciatica, which affects both athletes and those who are less active. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle are more likely to develop sciatica than active people. However, endurance athletes are also prone to experiencing sciatica from overworked and stiff muscles.

Age is also a significant factor, as those between the ages of 30 and 60 often experience age-related degeneration in their spine, including herniated disks, bone spurs, and joint dysfunction in the hips. Obesity and diabetes are other common contributors, according to the Mayo Clinic. 

A physical therapist can help you to determine whether sciatica can be relieved through conservative methods such as chiropractic adjustments, static stretching, and cold therapy. Most people respond well to simple techniques and are pain-free within a matter of weeks. Chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy may help improve the alignment of your spine and address other underlying conditions while also improving blood circulation and muscle relaxation. Minor pain can also be treated with the application of heat and cold. 

While some doctors may recommend surgery as a treatment for sciatica after non-invasive measures have failed, experts say it’s not always the right choice for everyone. In fact, according to the Cleveland Clinic, nearly 50 percent of people with sciatica report their symptoms improving within 1.5 months of their diagnosis. Nonsurgical treatments may include a longer period of recovery. However, surgery comes with its own risks, which include infection and blood clots. It’s important to talk with your doctor about your sciatica to determine which treatment is best for you.

The musculature around your spine and abdomen may be weak or overly tight, preventing it from supporting your body as needed. Poor posture and compromised muscles can impact the alignment of your spine, increasing your risk for lower back pain and sciatica. Gentle strengthening exercises that target your core and back will improve your posture and ability to respond to stress, reducing the likelihood and severity of back pain. While you’re recovering from sciatica, you may want to avoid high-impact exercises, such as running and plyometrics.

Stiff hamstrings, glutes, and hips can alter your posture and increase the stress on your lower back, which may contribute to sciatica. Most types of sciatica will benefit significantly from a stretching routine that targets the hips and hamstrings and relieves an overused or inflamed piriformis muscle. The piriformis is a small muscle that attaches at the base of the spine and runs just above the sciatic nerve. Prolonged inactivity or sitting compresses the piriformis over the sciatic nerve, which can lead to aggravation and pain. Reverse the effects of tight hips and hamstrings by adopting a simple stretching routine or incorporating yoga into your overall fitness regimen.

Here are two ways to stretch your piriformis muscle and relieve pain.

Stretch 1

  1. Lie on your back with both of your knees bent and your feet on the ground.
  2. Lift one leg and cross it just above your knee.
  3. Hold the thigh of the leg with the foot on the ground and pull up to your chest until you can feel the stretch in your buttocks.
  4. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
  5. Repeat on the opposite side.

Stretch 2

  1. Lie on your back with both legs straight out.
  2. Hold one knee with your opposite hand and pull your knee up and over to the opposite shoulder.
  3. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds.
  4. Repeat on the opposite side.

Physical therapy is often the first line of treatment for sciatica. However, if your symptoms don’t improve, your doctor may recommend you take medications. The most common types of drugs prescribed for sciatica pain include:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs
  • muscle relaxants
  • narcotics
  • epidural steroidal injections
  • tricyclic antidepressants
  • anti-seizure medications

Anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce inflammation and sciatica symptoms. They can include nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) and naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn). They also include COX-2 inhibitors, which stop pain by blocking hormones in the body.

Muscle relaxants loosen muscles tightened up by sciatica, and narcotics help to ease sciatica pain. Epidural steroidal injections can also reduce pain. With this option, a corticosteroid and anaesthetic numbing drug are inserted into the space between two vertebrae.

Tricyclic antidepressants and anti-seizure medications can sometimes effectively treat sciatica, although it’s not their primary purpose.

Off-label drug use is when a drug that’s been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for one purpose is used for a different purpose that it hasn’t been approved for. However, a doctor can still use the drug for that purpose. This is because the FDA regulates the testing and approval of drugs, but not how doctors use drugs to treat their patients. So, your doctor can prescribe a drug however they think is best for your care.

Alternative treatments for sciatica can also provide some pain relief. A chiropractor can adjust your spine in a way that increases spinal movement, which improves spine function and decreases pain. Chiropractic treatment can also relieve lower back pain caused by sciatica, but is less effective for radiating pain.

You may have tight muscles as a result of sciatica pain. Massage can help loosen up your muscles, alleviating some pain and improving mobility and flexibility.

Some research suggests that acupuncture can help relieve sciatica. If you’re interested in acupuncture, be sure to visit a licensed practitioner.

When you first start experiencing sciatica pain, applying a cold pack can provide a lot of relief. Wrap a cold pack or a bag of frozen peas in a clean towel, and apply it to the painful area a few times a day for up to 20 minutes each time.

If your sciatica is still bothering you after a few days, then it can be helpful to try heat instead. Apply a heat lamp on the lowest setting, a hot pack, or a heating pad to the painful area.

If your pain persists, try alternating between cold packs and hot packs.

Sciatica is a painful condition that can make everyday life more challenging. The good news is that there are a lot of ways to treat it, and many of them are quite effective at reducing symptoms. Talk with your doctor to determine which treatments are best for you.



Tuesday 14 December 2021

Inversion Therapy Relieves Symptomatic Sciatica Pain

From hospimedica.com

Inversion tables can alleviate pain and symptoms in sciatica patients so that they may avoid surgery altogether, according to a new study.

Researchers at Newcastle University (United Kingdom), the Royal Victoria Infirmary (Newcastle upon Tyne; United Kingdom), and other institutions conducted a study that compared surgery rates following inversion therapy in 85 participants with sciatica and lumbar disc disease, who acted as their own control for the symptomatic part of the study. Inversion therapy was provided via a Teeter (Bonney Lake, WA, USA) inversion table.

The result showed that inversion therapy relieved pain symptoms compared with pre-treatment status, on a visual analog scale (VAS) score (by 74%), and on the Roland Morris and the Oswestry Disease indices (by 69% and 75%, respectively); 39% also reported that they eliminated the use of pain medication. In addition, two year surgery rate in the inversion participants in the registry (21%) was significantly lower than in the control group (39% at two years, and 43% at four years). The study was published in November 2021 issue of the Journal of Physical Therapy Science.

Image: Inversion Tables can help reduce the need for back surgery by 50% 
(Photo courtesy of Teeter)

“The forces that gravity exerts during inversion in patients with lumbar disc protrusions relieved their symptoms and avoided the need for surgery,” concluded lead author Alexander Mendelow, MD, of Newcastle University, and colleagues. “Also, in the inverted patients, their symptoms were significantly less severe than they were before the inversion therapy. Our study makes a strong case for setting up a large prospective randomized controlled trial of inversion therapy for these patients.”

Teeter offers three models of inversion tables for people living with back pain due to sciatica, facet syndrome, and muscle spasms, among other conditions. The table allows a person to hang upside down while resting their back, releasing spinal compression, relieving disk and joint pain, as well as reducing the intensity of back spasms.


Friday 10 December 2021

Osteopathy: More than just working on the spine

From euroweeklynews.com

A LOT of people think that an osteopath mainly works on the mobility of the spine or other joints in the body. But osteopathy is more than that.

Osteopathy is a manual therapy focused on detecting, treating, and preventing health problems by looking at your body as a whole.

An osteopath treats blockages and movement limitations, not only within the bones, joints, and muscles, but also within the organs and membranes in the body. Once an issue is found, the osteopath uses different manual techniques to restore normal mobility and function.

                                      MOBILITY: An osteopath treats blockages and movement limitations

All parts of our body are not only connected to other parts of our body, but they are also reliant on them in order to function properly.

This explains why an osteopath sometimes focuses on a part of the body that, at first, can seem unrelated to the place where you are experiencing pain. In doing so, the osteopath can ensure the real source of the problem is treated.

For example, a woman seeks help from an osteopath for pain in her lower back.

During the consultation the woman mentions she is suffering from menstrual problems and severe headaches, and during the full examination the osteopath finds reduced mobility of the woman’s uterus, as well as a disfunction of the last two vertebras of her lower back.

The uterus has a direct connection with the vertebrae of the lower back and it can cause loss of mobility and pain.

The spine is like a tube with an inner layer, running from top to bottom and is also connected to the thin layers underneath the skull. Due to the reduced mobility of the uterus, there is a loss of mobility in the lower back and a change in mobility of the layers of the spine and skull.

In other words, the menstrual problems are the root cause of the pain in the lower back and the headaches.

During therapy the osteopath focuses on restoring the mobility of the uterus and applying techniques to the lower back. After treatment the patient no longer experiences any lower back pain, the headaches slowly reduce and menstrual problems improve.

Osteopathy is safe for everybody, including adults, athletes, pregnant woman, children, and babies.


Friday 3 December 2021

Where is Sciatica?

From asapland.com

Sciatica is a medical term for the intense pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve, caused by irritation or injury to one of its many tendons, muscles, nerves, or ganglion.

The word sciatica comes from the Greek language and means “pain in the bones” or “pain in the sitting bones”. Sciatica usually causes symptoms that affect not only the lower back but also the buttocks, thighs, and legs.

Only 10% of patients have sciatica along the entire length of their sciatic nerve.

The cause of this pain is typically a herniated disc that puts pressure on one or more spinal nerve roots, due to degenerative disc disease or another underlying structural issue.

A pathoanatomical classification is made according to the site of origin and destination of the pain, which are related to the anatomical course of the discomforting nerves:

• Radicular pain is felt in areas innervated by lumbar or sacral nerve roots. The affected areas are usually distant from where the pathological process started (e.g.: back, buttocks, foot). The main causes are compression fractures and radiculopathy caused by disc herniation, tumour, or abscess.

• A neurogenic pain is felt in the same area where the pathological process started (e.g.: front of thigh or calf above the ankle). It often occurs after lumbar disc lesions with nerve root impingement, due to arthritis at the facet joints causing foraminal stenosis and compression on the neuroforamen of the nearby roots.

How to cure sciatica permanently:

Sciatica is the condition in which the pain starts from the lower back and radiates down to the legs. This can be an extremely painful problem if not treated quickly. The pain might be so intense that it may prevent you from moving your leg easily while walking or even sitting. You need to know about sciatica symptoms, causes, treatment, diagnosis, exercises, etc.

How to cure sciatica permanently:

1) Symptoms of Sciatica.- The common symptoms are listed below:

– Pain in the lower back along with weakness in muscles & loss of sensation(pins and needles) down into legs.

– Numbness in the thigh area, buttocks area & below the knee area.

– Difficulty arising from bed, sitting, and lying down.

– Pain that shoots into the leg with movement or touch.

– Difficulty in passing stool and urine.

– Limited range of motion and clumsiness in hands and legs (especially feet).

Diet for sciatica:

Certain changes in diet can help to reduce pain. As per many studies, adequate intake of vitamin B5 is very useful for reducing Sciatica pain as it helps the body produce natural pain killer called “endorphins”.

Taking an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen may also provide some relief from Sciatica symptoms. Intake of fatty fish like salmon, tuna, etc which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids can lessen nerve inflammation and be helpful for quick recovery. Take food rich in calcium, vitamin B complex & C supplements.

Sciatica Treatment at Home:

– Many people are not aware of the fact that back pain can be caused by a pinched nerve in the lower back which is known as “sciatica”. So to get rid of this problem it is important to treat it on time instead of ignoring it. Here are some simple Sciatica exercises that need to be done daily for quick recovery:


(1) Sit up straight, keeping both your feet flat on the ground.

(2) Keep one leg stretched out and another bent with the foot resting on the knee.

(3) Slowly bend towards the side where your bent leg is while keeping the other leg stretched out on the ground.

(4) Hold the position for about 15-20 sec and repeat it with the other leg.

5) Sciatica Exercises:-

Perform these exercises daily on empty stomach to get rid of sciatica pain permanently:

– Bend your left leg towards you, while keeping your right leg straight. Place your fingers on the back of your left knee and gently pull both legs closer to you and hold this pose for some time. Repeat this process with the right leg.

– Lie down flat on your back touching the floor with both feet together. Keep hands next to hips and lift both feet towards the ceiling without bending knees. Stay in this position for a few seconds and slowly get into the previous position (by lying down).

– Lie down flat on your stomach while keeping both palms placed under your lower back. Try to keep your back in contact with the floor and lift your legs slowly off ground, tightening your abdominal muscles at the time of lifting. Remain in this position for about 10 seconds and get back into the previous position.

sciatica natural treatment:

Here are some simple natural remedies that will help you treat sciatica problems successfully at home:

– Mix 1/2 tsp ginger juice, half tsp lemon juice, little honey into a glass of buttermilk and drink it daily. It provides excellent relief in Sciatica pain.

– Prepare tea by boiling 10 black peppercorns & 5 cloves in water for a few minutes & straining the tea, add 2 tbsp. fresh coriander leaves to this mixture and consumes after every 2 hours. This remedy will help you treat Sciatica pain naturally.

– Grind about 50 grams of fresh coriander leaves, 2 tbsp. dried basil leaves and 10 peppercorns into a fine paste and take this mixture with lukewarm water to relieve sciatica pain.

Here are some common causes of sciatica:

1) Sitting for long hours:

One of the main causes is sitting for long hours which can cause problems in your back. You can do exercise or yoga that will help you stretch your body freely which reduces pressure on the lower back.

 2) Obesity & Aging:

As per research, obesity & age are some of the most important reasons behind most of the health problems including Sciatica. So people should always focus on a healthy diet & exercising.

3) Smoking:

One of the major reasons is smoking which damages your neural tissues and makes them weak. It also causes many health problems including Sciatica.

  4) Lack of Exercising:

People who don’t exercise regularly are more prone to sciatica problems than others because their muscles are loose, joints are stiff, etc leading to pain in the lower back. So people should exercise at least 30 minutes daily at least a few days a week to get rid of this problem.

  5) Wrong Posture:

The wrong posture can also lead to numbness, pain, or any other problem in the legs or lower back.

Sciatic nerve pain relief during pregnancy:

People who suffer from Sciatica problems should consult their doctor first and then try these simple exercises to get rid of back pain. If you do wrong exercises on your own then it can cause harm to you so it’s better to take some expert guidance before trying these exercises at home on your own. People should listen to their body and go with the instructions given by their instructor, they should avoid doing sudden movements because it can make things worst if proper care is not taken while exercising.

Sciatica Treatment Tips:

Here are a few tips that will help you get rid of sciatica pain fast :

1) apply heat to affected areas. It’s the easiest way to treat sciatica pain. Heat application can reduce inflammation, relax tense muscles & relieve stiffness as well as soreness in the lower back, shoulders, etc. You can take a hot shower or place a heating pad over the area for a few minutes to get relief from Sciatica pain. Warm water therapy, steam bath is also very effective to treat Sciatica.

2) Practice yoga poses that help stretch lower back muscles. It will give you relief from this problem naturally & quickly. Also vary your sitting position by standing, walking, etc while working on the computer for a long time because it can reduce numbness in the legs and provide relief from pain easily.

3) Restrict the intake of alcohol, caffeine & smoking which increases risk factors for heart disease stroke, colon & breast cancer, etc. You should eat a diet rich in fruits, veggies, legumes, whole grains; avoid red meat, soft drinks, etc.

These measures are very helpful to treat sciatica naturally at home without any side effects like pain killers or other drugs. If you are suffering from this problem then make sure to follow these tips & exercises regularly for the best results.
