Sunday 29 July 2018

What Are the Conditions Treated by Spine Surgeons?

By Rohit Bhatia

Spine is an important part of the body's structure. There are 33 bones individual bones in the spine and they are stacked on top of each other. The primary function of spine is to provide support to the body and allowing us to do different physical movements such as standing, bending, sitting etc. Apart from this, strength and stability is also provided by them. There are some diseases and conditions which are suffered by the body and only treated with the help of best spine surgeons.

These may be due to injuries that are suffered by the body while playing contact sports or vehicular accidents. But there are some conditions too. Best spine doctors have mentioned the following conditions -

• Sciatica - It is a common condition which is felt by the leg. It originates from the lower back and travels down to one or both the legs. It is caused by a herniated disc or spur in the bone which is pressing on the nerve. It usually affects one side of the body.
• Scoliosis - It is a disorder in which the shape of the spine becomes slightly disfigured. There is occurrence of tilting in one side. It occurs during the growing age just before puberty. Most of the cases are not painful but people with severe scoliosis can feel pain and discomfort.
• Spinal Stenosis - in simple terms, it is the narrowing of the spinal canal. It can either be cervical or lumbar spinal stenosis. This condition adds pressure on the spinal cord and the nerves present within spine. Older people are commonly diagnosed with this as there is wear and tear of the spine.
• Degenerative Disk Disease - it is also known as osteoarthritis. It usually happens in the neck or lower back. It is the breakdown of the intervertebral disc leading to hernia. The most common symptom is pain which is caused as the spine loses flexibility and the bone spurs add pressure on the nerve root.

Spine surgery hospitals are done with the help of the following surgeries -
• Spinal Fusion - spinal fusion is the common method which is provided by the surgeons. It is considered as a welding process in which in which two different painful vertebrae are joined together into a single solid bone. The main aim of this procedure is to remove any motion between the vertebrae. For additional leg pain, you can also be suggested laminectomy. After the procedure, there is some pain which is a natural part of the healing process. It may take several months before your spine is fully healed.
• Lumbar Discectomy - It is a minimally invasive surgery which is performed in spine surgery hospitals. It is done to fix a disc in the lower back. Instead of using a large incision, small incisions are made in the body. The outer wall of the disc which sits between the each vertebra dries out and weakens with age and injury. A small tube is inserted through the back. Tiny small tools are inserted through the tube to remove a part of the disc. You can go home the same or the next day.
• Spinal Disc Replacement - as the name suggests, it includes taking out the diseased spinal discs. It is a last resort for problems such as degenerative disc disease which is not responding to any other non invasive treatment. Artificial prosthesis is used in place of the diseased discs. It is preferred as a minimally invasive method as it is done with several small incisions instead of a long one.

Wednesday 18 July 2018

What to Expect During the First Chiropractic Visit


The main duty of a chiropractor is to relieve symptoms as soon as possible and using as few treatments as possible. A chiropractor will also give you advice on how to manage your condition, more so when it comes to sciatica or back pain. The objective of this article is to help you understand what to expect during your first visit to a chiropractor.
After finding the right chiropractor for their needs, some people conduct the first interviews over phone. Although this option is viable and will save you time, it is recommended to conduct the interview in person. That way, you will have a focused discussion with the chiropractor and clearly understand his approach. The following is what you can expect from the first office clinical exam.
Patient’s history and symptoms
To better understand your condition, the chiropractor will want to learn more about your medical history and symptoms. You will be required to fill out a form which offers background information on your symptoms. Some of the questions you will be required to answer include the following:
  • When did the pain start?
  • What initially triggered the pain?
  • How is the pain? Is it dull, sharp, searing or throbbing? Does the pain come and go or is it continuous?
  • Did you start experiencing the pain after an injury?
  • What circumstances/activities worsen or relieve the symptoms?
You may also be required to provide information about your family medical history as well as pre-existing medical issues. Additionally, you may have to provide information on your current or previous healthcare provider.

Chiropractic exam
The next step in an Omosols chiropractic treatment is the chiropractic exam. The exam includes basic tests such as pulse, blood pressure, reflexes and respiration. Specific neurological and orthopedic tests will follow. These are done to assess the following:
  • Muscle tone
  • Range of motion in the area that is affected
  • Neurological integrity
  • Muscle strength
More tests may be done to better understand your condition. You might, for example, be asked to move in a specific way and your posture will be analysed. The range of tests done vary depending on your symptoms.
Diagnostic studies
Once your history is considered and the chiropractic exam is completed, the chiropractor will use this information to come up with diagnostic studies. These studies are essential in identifying the structural abnormalities as well as revealing the pathologies. They are used to diagnose your condition.

It is, however, important to note that the diagnostic studies are not a must on a first appointment. They are only considered when the chiropractor has a valid reason that x-rays and other tests will offer more information on your condition. The common diagnostic studies that you can expect include:
  • MRI scans
  • X-ray exam
  • A range of laboratory tests
You need to get the best chiropractor to take on your case in order to receive the best treatment. Even with the right training and certifications, not every chiropractor out there will give you the results you are looking for. Always take the time to dig deeper into the practice of a chiropractor before choosing him or her.