Wednesday 29 June 2022

7 Tips To Relieve Sciatica Pain Fast At Home


How to Relieve Sciatica Pain?

Sciatica pain or sciatic nerve pain is intensely painful and disturbing. This pain starts from your lower back, hips, and buttocks, goes down to your legs, and bends at the knees. 

A problem may arise anywhere on this nerve path. One of the most common causes of sciatica pain includes a ruptured disk, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine), injury and piriformis syndrome.

Piriformis syndrome occurs when your piriformis muscle extends from the buttocks to the top of your thighs. 

Sometimes, involuntary muscle contraction (spasm) occurs that traps the sciatic nerve and leads to sciatica pain. 

Certified therapists have highlighted that pain in the sciatic nerve occurs mainly in the lower back and hips.

It can happen due to a variety of reasons; therefore you should focus on treatment and remedies. Renowned doctors and therapists have recommended performing stretching for some relief. 

You can try several stretching exercises to minimize sciatica and lower back pain. For better results, you must perform exercises daily and consume a nutritional diet

You must consume foods that improve your immunity and reduce inflammation. If you are experiencing immense pain, you should consult a doctor for medications. Home remedies and stretching exercise strengthens your back and reduces pain. 

You can perform different exercises such as reclining pigeon pose, cobra pose, standing hamstring stretch, etc.

Listed below are some of the most effective exercises that you can perform at home as well as other proven remedies to relieve Sciatica pain.

7 Exercises to Relieve Sciatica Pain

These stretching exercises are highly effective in reducing sciatic nerve pain. Most people have highlighted the benefits of stretching in eliminating sciatica pain.

 If you have certain symptoms, you should consult a doctor and seek permission to perform these exercises to avoid any injury.

These stretching exercises eliminate the pain in the sciatic nerve by minimizing muscle tensions, improving your posture, strengthening the core ability, and reducing compression on the sciatic nerve.

Individuals performing this exercise must do it carefully without pain. Stop doing the exercises if you are experiencing immense pain. 

  1. Reclining Pigeon Pose

Reclining Pigeon Pose is a common yoga pose that opens the hips. The steps to perform the pose are- 

  • Lie on your back and bring your right leg up to a right angle. Now clasp your hands and lock your fingers behind the thighs. 
  • Now lift your left leg and place the ankle over the right knee. 
  • Hold this position for 20-30 seconds. This pose stretches your piriformis muscle which may cause pain in the sciatic nerve. It even stretches your hip rotator muscles. 
  • Repeat the exercise with the other leg. 

Once you have learned to do the reclining pose, you can learn to perform the sitting pose and other advanced versions. 

  1. Knee to the opposite shoulder

It is a simple exercise that relieves your sciatica pain by relaxing your piriformis and gluteal muscles. These muscles get pressed against the sciatic nerve leading to pain. 

  • Lie on your back, legs extended and feet flexed upwards. 
  • Now bend your right leg and clasp your hands around the knee 
  • Now gently try to pull the right leg towards your left shoulder. Hold this position for 30 seconds. Try to pull comfortably as much as you can so that you feel stretched. 
  • Move to the starting position. 
  • Repeat the pose at least 3 times for each leg.  
  1. Standing Hamstring Stretch 

Standing Hamstring Stretch relieves the pain and tightness in the hamstrings due to sciatic nerve pain. The steps to perform the exercise are- 

  • You have to place the right foot on an elevated surface or below your hip level. You can use a chair or steps on a staircase to perform this exercise. Flex your foot to keep your toes and foot straight. 
  • Now slightly bend your body forward towards your foot. The more you bend, the better it would be. Don’t push too much and avoid pain. 
  • Release the hip of your right leg downward. You can use a yoga strap or a long exercise band for ease of performance. 
  • Hold it for at least 25-30 seconds. Repeat it on the other side.
  1. Standing Piriformis Stretch

This is another form of stretch to get rid of sciatica pain. You can perform this exercise without support or you can stand against the wall. 

  • You have to put your painful leg over the knee of your other leg. Now bend with your other leg and try to make number 4 with your hips. You have to lower the hips to the ground at a 45-degree angle. 
  • Keep your hands on the waist; bend your waist down keeping your back straight. Stay in this position for at least 40- 60 seconds. 
  • Repeat this exercise with the other leg. 


  1. Cobra or Modified Cobra

The cobra pose focuses on spinal extension and relieves pain. The steps to perform the pose are- 

  • Lie on your stomach and keep your legs straight back together.
  • Now bend the elbows and keep the palms on the floor by the chest. 
  • To perform the full cobra pose, fully straighten the elbows and lift the chest off the floor as per your ability. 
  • To perform the modified cobra, push through the palms; partially straighten the elbows, and then lift the chest off the floor up to 45 degrees. 
  • Repeat the exercise 10 times. 

  • Seated Hip Stretch

 A seated hip stretch is a form of piriformis stretch that puts pressure on the sciatic nerve. The Sciatic Nerve travels from the spine through the piriformis to power the legs. The steps to perform the seated hip stretch is- 

  • Sit on the chair with feet on the floor and knees bent at a 90-degree angle. 
  • Raise the painful leg and cross the ankle over the other knee. 
  • Slowly bend forward over the crossed leg by breathing deeply and holding the position for at least 30 seconds. 
  • Now release and repeat the process at least 10 times for each leg.
  • Seated Spinal Twist

The seated spinal twist minimizes the pressure on joints and the sciatic nerve. The steps to perform a seated spinal twist are- 

  • Sit up on the floor with legs straight. 
  • Bend one leg at the knee and place the foot on the floor at the opposite knee. Do it comfortably and try to touch the floor by bending the first leg. 
  • Now twist towards the bent knee by placing the opposite knee on the outside of the bent knee for a deeper stretch. 
  • Release and repeat the exercise on the opposite side. 

Lifestyle and Home Remedies to Relieve Sciatica Pain

People experiencing pain in the sciatic nerve perform several self-care measures. Prolonged inactivity worsens the symptoms and signs. Some of the sciatica pain treatments include- 

  • Cold packs

If you keep the cold pack on the painful area, you get some relief. You can keep the cold pack daily for at least 20 minutes for immediate relief from sciatica pain. You can use an ice pack or a frozen pack of peas for a home remedy. 

  • Hot packs

You can try the hot pack on the affected area daily for sciatica pain relief. If you are experiencing continuous sciatica pain, you can try cold and hot treatment alternatively. You can use a heating pad or hot packs at lower temperatures to avoid skin burns. 

  • Stretching

Stretching is a highly useful way to get rid of sciatic nerve pain. It eliminates lower back pain and makes you feel better. It relieves you from nerve root compression. For better results, try to hold the stretch for at least 30 seconds. Try to avoid bouncing, twisting, or jerking to avoid injury or pain. 

  • Over-the-counter medications

In case of unbearable pain, you can opt for painkillers such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium 

Alternative Medicine to Relieve Sciatica Pain

To reduce sciatica lower back pain, you can use alternative solutions or therapies such as –

  • Acupuncture

The practitioner pins hair-thin needles into your skin at specific points for sciatica pain relief. Studies indicate that acupuncture is useful in eliminating lower back pain and better sleep. 

  • Chiropractic

Chiropractic helps in spinal movement and reduction of sciatica pain. It is a form of therapy that treats spinal mobility. It is also known as spinal adjustment and manipulation which is considered a standard treatment for back pain. 

  • Reduce inflammation through a nutritional diet

You should consume a nutritional diet that includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, and natural foods which is rich in vitamins, proteins, minerals, and fiber that reduce inflammation. You should include ginger tea, green tea, turmeric, and black tea in your diet as it includes inflammatory substances. It builds your immunity and overall health. 

For an anti-inflammatory diet, you should avoid the following items – 

  • Inflammation-causing foods- you should avoid sugars, trans fats, carbohydrates, and hydrogenated oils.

  • The habit of smoking is injurious to health. Smoking increases inflammation in the body and may increase your lower back pain. If you quit smoking, it lowers the production of anti-inflammatory molecules. Before making any changes to the diet, you should consult a doctor related to current medications. 

Monday 27 June 2022

The Benefits of Massage Therapy and Relaxation

By Jenni Withnall

Breathe in, breathe out and relax...

After a long day or week at work one of the best things is to be able to take some time out and recuperate. One of the most known things about our lifestyles in this modern age is that a lot of people are under stress; with work deadlines, busy social lives and even more demanding family lives, your body creates tension and the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol is known to contribute to the lack of sleep, weight gain, digestive issues and headaches. Massage therapy is known to reduce these levels of cortisol within the body, therefore contributing to the improvement on relaxation, improving mood and reducing the level of stress on the body. As well as reducing these stress levels, regular massages can assist overall physical and mental well-being.

Reduces stress, tension, anxiety and depression

The body can work in many different ways, and the build-up of stress through our daily lives is often one of these results. The decreasing of this emotional and physical distress is important in order for us to help improve our personal wellbeing and health. As your body's stress levels increase, so does the hormone which your body produces, cortisol. When you receive a sixty- minute massage, these cortisol levels are known to reduce, while at the same time the body's anti-pain hormone serotonin levels start to increase. This change within the hormones your body releases, assists and helps you fight off pain, anxiety and feelings of sadness.

It is known that the emotional benefits from massages are equally as important as the physical. A massage helps offer a relaxing and peaceful environment, so you are able to refocus and find clarity. It often helps an individual connect through mind and body. The nurturing touch assists with the need for human contact, bringing alongside a sense of calm and inner tranquillity. These are all factors which can work towards helping relieve the tension and stress levels in the body.

Lower blood pressure

It has been found that regular massage and consistent sessions can help decrease blood pressure over time. With the reduction of the cortisol levels, comes a possibility to help regulate the body's mood and reduce anxiety triggers, tension and depression. Massage therapy is often used for pre-hypertension. Long term studies have shown that a massage program can help reduce specific types of blood pressure by reducing cortisol stress-hormones levels, and therefore decreasing depression and anxiety as well as other further benefits.

Relax muscle tension

One of the main reasons why people opt for massages is to help reduce painful muscle tension, by eliminating those tensions and knots within the muscles. Massaging the tension of muscles and joints by reducing swelling helps the body to be able to relax overall. The technique used to reduce these swellings and joint pains can help increase the amount of nutrition and oxygen delivered to the affected area. This increase of activity to the tissues helps with stiffness and swelling in the muscles and the joints, while doing so the flexibility to the area minimises pain. The use of massage therapy releases endorphins that in turn boost dopamine and serotine levels. The release of these hormones assists the body in many ways including physically as well as mentally.

Improve circulation

The improvement of circulation in the body often contributes to a snowball effect if regular massages are had. Moving rich healthy blood to the damaged tissue. The use of hands-on pressure on the body can improve its blood circulation by moving blood through the damaged and congested tissue and muscles. Releasing the pressure on the muscles helps new blood flow into these areas of tissue. Another benefit of massage therapy is that the movements and muscle manipulation increase the lactic acid within the muscles. This then results in the balancing of the lymph fluid circulation. This system helps carry metabolic waste from the internal organs and muscles, improving overall body function.

Stand up tall, improve your posture

When you get a massage, whether it is a full body massage or just the head, neck and shoulders, the body has the opportunity to relax, release tension and increase motion. Massaging also helps with easing the pressure on joints. Depending on the type of massage you receive, the masseuse may be experienced in muscle manipulation, helping to relieve the knots and manipulate the pressure within the skeleton and help stretch your body out and realign, helping to improve your posture. Specialist massages such as these should be taken under professional guidance and you should seek advice from a chiropractor who has extensive knowledge in the field before proceeding with such activities.

Strengthen immune system

During our busy lifestyles, the implications of stress on the body partnered with poor nutrition and bad sleep patterns can take a massive toll on our bodies and the immune system's natural defence. Along with all of the different benefits which we have explored so far in this article, another benefit of massage therapy is the effects it can have on an individual's immune system. We are all familiar with the positive attributes it has towards a person's wellbeing and overall mood, but it is also known to help the immune system. Massage can help fight common cold and flu symptoms as well as improve the way in which the immune system functions. Such massages as Swedish massage techniques are known to decrease Arginine Vasopressin, a hormone related to aggressive behaviour as well as the hormone cortisol (stress hormone) earlier discussed. Such benefits and ways in which regulate the nervous system, stimulating the circulatory system and lymphatic systems. It also helps alleviate arthritis and sciatica pain.

Helps with sleep

In order for your body to function at its optimal levels, and for you to be at your personal healthiest and for wellbeing, it is imperative for you to get enough sleep. It is advised that adults get a total of 7 hours a night in order to achieve this, while children are dependent on age, but are more than adults. When your body does not achieve these levels of sleep, although you may think you are fine, your body in fact is not going to perform at the best levels in all areas. Such symptoms of lack of sleep your body may display include low working performance, slower reaction times and fatigue issues, and furthermore result in lower moods and overall well-being.

It is often recommended that nutrition and exercise are incorporated into an individual's lifestyle, and sleep quality is one of those factors. The release of cortisol from the body and the tensions within the muscles during a massage help relieve the recipient's aches and pain, helping with the built-up stress. The calming atmosphere and often essential oils help reduce the body's stress levels, both contributing to the relaxation of a massage. With frequent massage therapy, the body is known to be able to deal with stress better, and therefore leading to a better, more peaceful night's sleep.

Monday 20 June 2022

Have back pain? Here's how Kati Mudra and Merudanda Mudra can help you manage it


Back pain is one of the most common health issues faced by people

Back pain is one of the most common health issues faced by people. It is also the reason why people miss work. Spine issues are some of the leading causes of back pain. There are several mudras that can help one manage back pain. Here are some of them:

Kati Mudra

Very often, back pain is caused by a sudden jerk or wrong posture. Lack of regular exercise makes our back muscles inflexible, causes weakness in ligaments and disc spaces. Sudden movement or lifting of heavy weights can lead to back pain in such conditions.

This mudra relieves back ache. ‘Kati’ means ‘back’. The half vayu mudra relieves pain, while akash and varun mudras makes back muscles more flexible.

Yoga has quite a few effective asanas for preventing as well as curing backaches. These are: Ushtrasan, Bhujangasan, Shalabasan and Makarasan. They should be practised under expert guidance and when the pain is minimal.

How to do the mudra

Right Hand: Join the tips of thumb, middle finger and little finger; keeping the other two fingers straight.

Left Hand: Fold the index finger. Place it on the inner side of the middle joint of the thumb and place the thumb joint on the nail of the Index finger. This is like half vayu mudra.

Now, lie down on your back, put your feet/legs on a chair, do the mudra along with deep breathing.

Duration: 20 minutes twice a day.

Merudanda Mudra

This mudra is practiced while seated in sukhasana, though any comfortable position works as well. It is said this mudra directs the breath to the solar plexus. Regular practice of mudra can help prevent all kinds of spine-related problems including back pain, neck pain, sciatica, and slipped disc.

How to do the mudra

Make a fist of your hands, but keep the thumbs straight. Sit in vajrasan or on a chair and do deep breathing while practising the mudra. It has a magical effect on the spinal cord and removes toxins from the spine. 

The mudra has to be made by both the hands separately.

(There are over 350 health problems that can be prevented/cured with mudras. To know more visit

Sunday 12 June 2022

All you need to know about sciatica and exercises that will help you manage it


By Bipin Salvi 

Sciatica means lower back pain that radiates all the way till the foot

For the unversed, sciatica is lower back pain that radiates downward into the left or right buttock then the leg and sometimes the foot. In some cases, the pain can be excruciating. You may also experience back pain, but it’s not usually as severe as the pain in your buttock, leg or foot. When a person is diagnosed with sciatica, the doctor will advise treatment for managing the pain. However, it is important to continue your daily activities as much as possible. Lying in bed and/or avoiding activity can worsen the condition.

Managing pain

Ice packs: Wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it to the affected area for short intervals several times daily. This has to be done for the first few days. This helps in reducing swelling

and easing pain.

Heat packs: You can also use a heating pad or a hot pack. But ideally, it’s recommended that you use ice during the first couple of days to reduce swelling. After two-three days you can switch to a heat pack. Heat relaxes muscles in the back, which can spasm if an injury occurs. If the pain continues, alternate between ice and heat packs.

Exercises for sciatica

Regular exercise

Endorphins work as natural pain relievers. The more active you are, more endorphin is released. Stick to low impact activities like swimming and stationary bicycle initially.

After your endurance improves, you can start an exercise regimen that includes aerobics, core stability, and strength training. Exercises can improve your posture and strengthen your lower back and hip muscles.


It’s important to learn how to stretch properly. Get physical therapy or seek guidance from a yoga expert or a physiotherapist or a coach trained to deal with your injury.

Glute bridge

This is one of the best exercises for strengthening your hip, glutes and lower back, which are the crucial areas for triggering sciatica. This exercise can be done lying on the floor or on a bed. Bend your knees and raise the hip as per your comfort level. Gradually increase the range — it can be done with one leg raised as well.

Pigeon stretch

Several pigeon stretches can be done depending on the level of pain. These stretches release the piriformis muscle, which compresses the sciatic nerve. Pigeon stretches provide relief in the buttock area of the leg which is crossed above. This exercise should be repeated for both legs.

Lying down floor stretch

Lie down and cross one leg on the other. Bend the knee of the second leg. Now, pull the second leg with the help of your hands towards your chest.

Seated floor stretch

Sit on the floor or bed with one leg straight and the second leg crossed on it. Slowly raise the straight leg by bending it at the knee. Before that place your hands behind your buttocks on the floor for support and then lean forward.

Standing stretch

Wouldn’t recommend a standing stretch for the beginners or those in enormous pain.

Seated chair stretch

Sit on a chair and cross one leg on the other. Bend forward while exhaling.

Always consult a medical professional before starting a new exercise routine at home to make sure it is safe for you. If you’ve been dealing with sciatica for a few weeks or have chronic low back and leg pain, see your doctor immediately.