Thursday 24 September 2015

5 Ways To Decode Back Pain

By Ziakhn Khan

1: Radiating pain in your arm and leg
Cause: Radiating pain can be a result of poor posture or sedentary lifestyle causing the muscles around the spine to become weak. This leads to increase in the pressure on the spine and thereby on the discs (present in between two vertebrae) causing some pressure on the nerves leading to the radiating pain.
Treatment: Correcting the posture and performing spinal muscle strengthening exercises.
2: Periodic flare-ups of lower back or neck pain
Cause: You could suffer from recurrent symptoms in cases where the root cause of the pain is not corrected. This pain could initially start by travelling down the limbs and would sometimes give a tingling sensation that feels like pins and needles in the limb. In some cases you could also feel that the affected limb is weaker and heavier than the unaffected one.
Treatment: Correcting your posture, avoid staying in one posture for a long time, taking frequent breaks, spinal muscle strengthening
3: If your walking pattern has changed
Cause: This might be a symptom of one of your discs slipping out of your vertebral column. A common indicator of this is when your gait is stooped and crooked (tending to one side), which happens because your spine is unable to bear weight on one side. The severe muscle weakness caused due to increased pressure on the nerves leads to muscle weakness and a condition called foot drop, which makes you drag your feet when you walk. Another reason could be sciatica or obesity.
Treatment: If you are going through severe pain, altered sensation in the legs, motor weakness, difficulty in walking with or without back pain then you must visit your doctor.
4: If you have headache and dizziness
Cause: As people over the globe have become increasingly dependent on electronic gadgets, back pain has become a common problem. Habits like pinning the phone between your shoulder and ear while you multitask is an instinctive move and it puts a lot of pressure on your neck. Poor posture especially when who bend your head forward to use your phone leads to the degeneration of the upper cervical spine - both these are the most common causes for mechanical headache and dizziness. Apart from that dizziness could also be due to various other conditions like benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (disorder arising in the inner ear), low blood pressure etc.
Treatment: Visiting a physical therapist is a must if you get headaches and dizziness to find out whether it is mechanical or non-mechanical.
5: Upper back pain
Cause: Upper back pain can develop due to poor posture, chronic muscle tension and degenerative spine in the elderly. Poor posture is a common cause of upper back pain, particularly if you sit in front of a computer all day. Upper back pain may also develop from an unrelated condition like acid reflux or cardiac issues. This can also be due to muscular irritation (myofascial pain) or joint dysfunction.
Treatment: Taking breaks from your desk at regular intervals and stretching is important in order to address the pain.

Pain Relief During Pregnancy: A Necessity Rather Than a Luxury

By Elinor Johnston

Congratulations! You're pregnant! In between planning all the exciting times ahead and satisfying those notorious pregnancy cravings, you will likely experience a level of discomfort you may not be prepared for. Pain relief during pregnancy is more than a luxury-it is an absolute necessity for the health of you AND your baby.
Your life is about to change completely. Your body is overwhelmed with hormones, and you are struggling to adapt to a newly expanding body. But the good news is, there is help! Prenatal massage therapy can not only reduce any pain you're experiencing, it can also be a lifesaver for you and your growing baby.
Let's admit it. Massages feel good! But in addition to an overall sense of calm and well being, prenatal massage therapy can help reduce sciatic pain-a common source of physical discomfort in those who are expecting. Wouldn't you like to treat yourself to some much needed relief?
Say Goodbye to the Aches of Pregnancy and Hello to Pain Relief
Your sciatic nerve starts at your lower back and winds its way down through the back of your legs and into the feet. With sciatica, the pressure and inflammation of the lower back can leave women, especially pregnant women, in such intense pain that they actually become immobilized. Imagine the feeling of walking on pins and needles, numbness and intense bouts of pain. That's sciatic pain. Now, let's try to avoid that! Prenatal massage therapy has been proven to assist in relieving this pain and it's time you gave it a try.
Wait... There's More
While sciatic pain is one of the most frequently complained about pregnancy-related conditions, there are a number of other problem areas for pregnant women. Prenatal massage therapy has been shown to provide significant pain relief from all of the following conditions:
• Back pain: Weight gain, posture changes, hormone fluctuations, muscle imbalance, and stress can all cause back pain in pregnant women. Your body is adjusting to significant changes, and often the effects are felt in your lower and mid back.
• Neck and Shoulder Strain: As with back pain, neck and shoulder related pains are often a result of changes to a woman's posture while expecting. Not only can a massage therapist provide relief from these pains, they can also offer valuable advice on how to adjust your posture to alleviate pain.
• Edema: Otherwise known as ankle swelling, edema can be the result of water retention and increased pressure on a woman's veins. Prenatal massages can help relieve pressure from the veins while helping fluid travel more effectively through your body, assisting with fluid retention and swelling.
Wouldn't You Like to Fight Pain with a Relaxing Massage?
Prenatal massage therapy requires special training, an understanding of your growing fetus and a familiarity with the unique characteristics and needs of a pregnant woman's body. Make sure that you visit someone who understands the proper positioning of the body, the risks associated with pressure application on certain body parts and the common discomfort that come along with being pregnant. And most importantly, make sure they know what your body needs to feel better.
Your prenatal massage therapist will start with a background interview about your health and pregnancy before treatment. They should work from head to toe to regulate blood flow, align your systems and relieve the pressure on your lower back. By the end of your session, you should feel a marked difference in pain levels-and a whole lot more relaxed.