Tuesday 18 January 2022

Sciatica in winter What should you do?

From thedailystar.net 

Sciatica is a condition that occurs when the sciatic nerve, which runs from the back of your leg to your buttock and to your back, becomes irritated. The irritation may be caused by a herniated disk in your spine, an injury to the nerves, or inflammation.

Sciatica typically causes pain and numbness in the leg and/or buttocks and can also cause shooting pain along one or more legs and discomfort while sitting or standing. According to doctors at Harvard Medical School, colder temperatures are also a major cause of sciatica. It can happen during the winter months due to cold temperatures irritating nerves in the body.

Reasons for sciatica pain

There are a number of potential causes for sciatica and pain in the back of the leg. A herniated disk can cause damage to the nerve roots, which may affect sensation and cause sciatica. Other causes include spinal stenosis, ankylosing spondylitis, degenerative disk disease, or a problem with one's piriformis muscle. For some people, sciatica is caused by a slipped disk, which in turn is caused by the shortening of ligaments and tendons around the spine. This causes a change in posture and can be found by doing an X-ray or MRI.

Why is sciatica worse in winter?

Colder temperatures cause muscles to tighten and when this happens, it can irritate the sciatic nerve which is close to the surface of the skin. The nerves are being irritated because they are being compressed into a smaller space due to muscle tightening.

A large study conducted by the Research Institute of Work and Health in Sweden and published in the International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health surveyed approximately 135,000 male construction workers. The researchers discovered that those who worked in lower temperatures reported a higher rate of neck and back pain than those working in higher temperatures. The survey in Finland yielded the same result.

Exercise therapy for sciatica

Therapy involves the use of stretching and strengthening exercises to alleviate pain along the sciatic nerve. Because exercise can help with decreasing inflammation, it is one of the most effective treatments for patients experiencing chronic pain. Common exercises include muscle relaxation, warm baths, and pelvic floor muscle exercises. These are just some of the common exercises that may be prescribed to relieve chronic pain that has been attributed to sciatica.

Important tips

1.    Wear warm, comfortable clothing, and dress in multiple layers. A few thin layers of clothing will keep you warmer than a single thick layer.

2.    Tuck your shirt into your pants so your back doesn't get a cold draft when you pick up something and put on a sweater over it.

3.    At night, an electric blanket on your mattress can prevent your muscle tissues from becoming excessively tight.

4.    You should keep your house as warm as you can.

5.    It is important that you remain in shape during the winter season so that it isn't difficult for your condition, such as sciatica. Think about creating an exercise routine through winter in order to stop gaining weight.

The writer is Chief Consultant, ASPC Manipulation Therapy Centre


Friday 14 January 2022

Benefits of using a knee pillow for back pain

From augustafreepress.com

By Darren Wilson

Nothing feels as fabulous as returning home after an exhausting day at work and lying down to obtain a well-merited rest. But when tiny twinges from your neck and back begin to manifest when you awake the following day, sleep is abruptly not the haven you imagined it’d be. This could be because you’re not sleeping correctly. The sleeping pose is vital for backbone health. Probably, you’re lying down for 8 hours a day, usually without changing positions for long durations. Ignoring the right way to support your vertebrae during sleep can cause soreness, something you don’t want. The key to quality night’s rest is to maintain your backbone in a neutral position. You can do this by acquiring a quality knee pillow like Everlasting Comfort Knee Pillow. If you still doubt that sleeping with a knee pillow can help, keep reading this article. It outlines some top pros of knee pillows.

sleep pillow

                                 (© deniskomarov – stock.adobe.com)

Maintain spinal alignment

Side sleepers understand how it is having their knees strike together all night. As this position is comfortable usually, it can strain the sensitive stress points of your hips and shoulders. This explains why most side sleepers need the additional support and comfort of a quality knee cushion such as everlastingcomfort.net between their legs. As people, age herniated discs and disc relapse becomes a bigger risk. A knee cushion can provide superior spinal alignment and twinge relief as you rest and recover if you develop any.

Lowers knee and lower backache

If you’re a back sleeper, using a cushion beneath your lower back or knees limits pressure on your back. This alignment is essential to quality rest and can protect you from awaking with twinges. Knee or lower backache can also indicate sciatica, a pang that spreads out along the sciatica nerve’s path from your lower spine and down your leg. If you suppose you have sciatica, utilizing a knee cushion for backache can assist you in sleeping comfier.

Betters blood circulation

Have you ever dozed with your arm below your cushion and awoke with a tingling feeling? Feeling that your arm isn’t connected to your body can frighten you, but this only signifies poor blood flow. Adding a cushion between your legs or under your knees can resolve this problem. By disconnecting or hoisting your knees, a great cushion such as Everlasting Comfort Knee Pillow keeps your blood flowing appropriately through your lower body. Back sleepers can include a cushion under their feet to lift their legs. The elevation helps flow as gravity draws the blood back to your heart.

Balance your hips

Sleeping with a supreme cushion-like those on everlastingcomfort.net between your knees relieves many of the issues associated with side-sleeping. To start with, it helps balance your hips and situate them in a straight arrangement. This can help lessen the strain on your lower back and hips. When you doze on your side, the side not resting on the bed falls makes your hips rest at an angle. Putting a cushion between your knees helps align your hips back in position. This can protect the tendons on your hips from getting strained and relieve strain on your lower hip.


Saturday 8 January 2022

Why Does My Back Hurt When I Lay Down?

From talkradionews.com

Sleeping in a bad position can cause back pain in the morning. Try sleeping on your side for a better night’s sleep 

If you find yourself in a position that your body is not used to, sleeping on the belly or the back, it could cause your spine to shift and put pressure on your nerves.

Other causes of back pain while lying down include sprains, tumours, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Sciatica, osteoporosis, and more.

Be Careful with Your Back

Some jobs and tasks you do can cause you to injure your back. Some of these things are lifting heavy objects, working at a desk, or even playing sports.

If you injure your back, it could be a long time before you heal.

Don’t Lift Heavy Objects Above Your Head

Lifting heavy objects above your head is very bad for your back, especially if you do it often. If there is no other option but to lift the object over your head, then make sure to bend at the knees and not at the waist.

You should also bend from side to side as well as up and down when lifting an object so that you do not strain any part of your body too much.

This will help prevent injuries in the future and will keep you healthy longer than if you didn’t do these things while lifting the heavy object.

Causes Lower Back Pain When Lying Down

Lying down is a position that most people, especially after a long day, desire to be in. Unfortunately, this position can often cause lower back pain when lying down. There are several reasons for this.

First of all, the spine is designed to have weight on it from either sitting or standing so when one lies down it becomes more susceptible to being injured from the weight of gravity.

Second of all, while some people may use a pillow to help keep the spine in alignment while lying on their back, for some people this does not provide enough support and causes them to slouch.

For some people who have an old injury in their back from falling or being hit while playing sports, this position can cause pain because it puts pressure on that area that has already been injured before.

Lastly, many people will lie down with their legs bent which will put pressure on the hip joints and can cause pain in those areas as well. Let’s take a look at some of the major causes of lower back pain.

Strain or Sprain

Most people are not sure what the difference is between a sprain and a strain. The primary difference between the two is that a sprain occurs when ligaments are overstretched or torn, while a strain is an injury to the muscle or its tendon.

A strain will often occur in the lower back due to poor posture while lying down. It is also common for a strain to occur in the upper back from lifting heavy objects.

Symptoms of a sprain or strain can include:

  • Pain and tenderness in the affected area.
  • Tightening and contraction of the muscle.
  • Reduced range of motion in the affected area.
  • Limited mobility when performing activities that are similar to what caused your injury.

The best way to prevent a strain or sprain is to make sure that you are always in good physical condition. If you are overweight, you should lose weight. If you are underweight, you should gain weight.

Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet will help keep your body strong enough to prevent injury.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis causes lower back pain when lying down. The condition causes inflammation and rigidity of the spine and can lead to spinal fusion. It can be difficult to sleep and work with this condition.

Lying down is one of the most common positions people find themselves in during the day. A lot of people start to experience lower back pain when they lie down.

The main cause of this is ankylosing spondylitis, which is a type of arthritis that affects the spine. This type of arthritis can be difficult to manage and often requires intense medication and physical therapy sessions.

Spine Osteoarthritis

Lying down in bed can be painful for those suffering from spine osteoarthritis. The pain can be caused by the weight of the body putting pressure on the joints and the soft tissue around the spine.

Additionally, there is often inflammation or irritation of the nerves that can cause pain as well.

There are many ways to treat lower back pain that is caused by lying down, such as taking a hot bath, using ice packs and heat packs, and medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen.


Sciatica is a painful condition that can be attributed to many different causes. The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disk in the spine. Sciatica can also be caused by a tumour or tumour in the bone, tissue swelling, or inflammation.

Lying down with sciatic pain can make it worse because it increases pressure around the sciatic nerve. When lying down on your side with sciatic pain, you should place a pillow under your knees to take pressure off of your lower back.

Spinal Tumour

A spinal tumour can cause lower back pain when lying down. The tumour can put pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots, which can lead to the symptoms of lower back pain. Prolonged sitting.

Sitting for a long time, especially if you’re overweight, puts strain on your lower spine and causes back pain. Sitting with a slouching posture can also contribute to low-back pain.

Sitting for a long time, especially if you’re overweight, puts strain on your lower spine and causes back pain. Sitting with a slouching posture can also contribute to low-back pain. Herniated disk (slipped or ruptured disk).

A herniated disk occurs when the soft centre portion of an intervertebral disk pushes through the outer ring of the disk, which is made up of strong ligaments that hold the vertebrae together.

The nucleus pulposus (the soft centre) then pokes out through an opening in the annulus fibrosus (the outer ring), causing inflammation and pressure on nearby nerve roots and resulting in back pain.

A herniated disk occurs when the soft centre portion of an intervertebral disk pushes through the outer ring of the disk, which is made up of strong ligaments that hold the vertebrae together.

The nucleus pulposus (the soft centre) then pokes out through an opening in the annulus fibrosus (the outer ring), causing inflammation and pressure on nearby nerve roots and resulting in back pain. Degenerative joint disease (arthritis).

Over time, degeneration occurs in joints as cartilage breaks down and wears away, causing bones to rub against each other — a condition called arthritis.

This type of arthritis usually affects joints throughout your body but often begins with those in your spine — specifically between each vertebra where there’s no cartilage to cushion them from rubbing together — resulting in chronic low-back pain.

Final Thoughts

There are some simple ways to alleviate lower back pain when lying down. If you like, you can use a heating pad or ice pack on the area of pain.

You can also try stretching the muscles that might be causing tightness and pain by doing some yoga or stretching exercises.

Another way to relieve pain is by using a pillow under your knees and hips and one on your back. This will relieve any pressure that might be on your spine.


Tuesday 4 January 2022

Sciatica is a pain, but acupuncture can help

From santaynezvalleystar.com

By Dr. Hyun K. Lee

Sciatica is literally a pain in the buttocks to experience but luckily most people get better in a short time and acupuncture can help with that. Sciatica is a very common complaint. Statistics say that about 40% of people in the United States experience sciatica sometime during their life.

The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest nerve in the human body. It begins in the lower back, runs through the buttock and down the leg and delivers sensation to the leg and foot. Being such a large nerve, it is more prone to upset than others. 

Sciatica symptoms include pain, numbness, muscular weakness, difficulty controlling movement in the leg, sensations of pins and needles and/or tingling, difficulty walking, walking bent over and/or dragging the leg. Some people describe the pain as sharp, shooting, or jolts of pain. Others describe this pain as burning, electric or stabbing.

The general cause of sciatica is due to the spine and sacrum being out of balance, which creates a narrowing in the gap between vertebrae. When you move or have some range of motion, the nerve can become pinched which leads to the previously mentioned symptoms. However, the cause of the spine/sacrum imbalance is due to weakened muscles that are no longer supporting straight bones because of weakness in organ function. 

Each organ controls different muscles in the body. If these organs have become weak, their “job performance” lacks and they’re no longer doing what they’re supposed to do. If your muscles aren’t helping to keep your bones properly in place, you begin to notice problems here and there. This is primarily why some patients still have pain even after surgery has been performed to relieve the sciatica. 

Acupuncture works to balance the organs so the muscles can once again support the bones properly. Over a short time, your structure becomes properly straightened and realigned, thus relieving the compression of the sciatic nerve. 

Those with acute pain, or sciatica due to pregnancy, will only need a couple sessions before they find relief. Others, who have chronic sciatica, may need between one and three months of treatment. For these patients, acupuncture with acupressure works to control the central nerves that run to the sciatic nerve and adjust kidney and liver functions, which are stressed and have made the muscles weak and also created a circulation problem. Herbs are also prescribed to eliminate organ stress, feed muscles better and eliminate toxins from them as well.  The acupuncture works to mechanically restore proper function, while the herbs work internally for organ and muscle longevity. 

If your sciatica stems from an injury from an accident and you have already had surgery, acupuncture can also help to aide recovery and eliminate any continuing pain. 

Whether your sciatica is acute or chronic, there is no reason to live with pain as acupuncture is very successful at eliminating the problem and restoring your quality of life. 


Sunday 2 January 2022

Tips for Alleviating Hip Pain While You Sleep

From imcgrupo.com

If you suffer from chronic pain, you may find it is virtually impossible to get a good night’s rest. Pain and discomfort may keep you from falling asleep or prevent you from going into deep sleep since every tiny movement causes pain.

When hip pain is your problem, you may find it hard to get comfortable due to the strain and pressure on your hip joints. If you can’t sleep well, it may start to impact your ability to recover and heal after an injury.

Keep reading to learn more about relieving hip pain when you are sleeping, along with what causes it and potential treatments, such as physical therapy. 

The Causes of Hip Pain While You Sleep

You may notice hip pain when you sleep because it’s difficult to find a comfortable position. Before diving into talking to a physical therapist about treatment options, it’s a good idea to get to know some of the most common causes. These include:

Hip Bursitis

The fluid-filled sacs in your joints are known as bursae. If one is inflamed, you may have hip bursitis. The condition is also caused by repetitive movements that stress and strain the joints, causing inflammation.


This is an inflammation that impacts tendons connecting bone and muscle. With this condition, even small movements can cause pain.


Your sciatic nerve is at the spine’s base and is found through the hips, buttocks, and legs. If the nerve is injured or aggravated, it will cause pain in the lower portion of your body.

At-Home Remedies to Alleviate Hip Pain While Sleeping

If your hip aches or hurts while sleeping, you may try readjusting your position first. Some postures can help alleviate the pain you experience. Some ways to adjust your position include:

Sleep on Your Back

Some people find sleeping on their back is better and reduces the pain. This can require some trial and error to see how you feel. You can try putting a pillow under your knees to alleviate some of the pain.

Sleep on Your Side

While one side is likely more comfortable than the other, side sleeping is still an effective way to alleviate sciatica pain. Try placing pillows between your legs to maintain the natural separation and ensure everything remains aligned.

Use More Pillows

Adding a pillow under your back or between your knees can make a huge difference. You may want a few extra pillows or a body pillow to help improve your comfort and minimize pain through the night.

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

When you go to a physical therapist for help with your hip pain, they can provide tips and advice to help alleviate it. Usually, this includes exercises and stretches to improve your flexibility and strength in the affected area. The soft tissues, tendons, and muscles that support the hip joint must be flexible and strong to ensure proper stability.

The physical therapist you use can also teach you how to use foam rollers, and other exercises and stretches before and after working out. Engaging in specific stretches and movements will also help relieve pain if you are standing or sitting for a long time on the job.

Alleviating Hip Pain While You Sleep                                   

Hip pain can make it difficult to get a good night’s rest, but you can take steps to alleviate this pain, which can help you feel better and sleep better.
