Sunday 2 January 2022

Tips for Alleviating Hip Pain While You Sleep


If you suffer from chronic pain, you may find it is virtually impossible to get a good night’s rest. Pain and discomfort may keep you from falling asleep or prevent you from going into deep sleep since every tiny movement causes pain.

When hip pain is your problem, you may find it hard to get comfortable due to the strain and pressure on your hip joints. If you can’t sleep well, it may start to impact your ability to recover and heal after an injury.

Keep reading to learn more about relieving hip pain when you are sleeping, along with what causes it and potential treatments, such as physical therapy. 

The Causes of Hip Pain While You Sleep

You may notice hip pain when you sleep because it’s difficult to find a comfortable position. Before diving into talking to a physical therapist about treatment options, it’s a good idea to get to know some of the most common causes. These include:

Hip Bursitis

The fluid-filled sacs in your joints are known as bursae. If one is inflamed, you may have hip bursitis. The condition is also caused by repetitive movements that stress and strain the joints, causing inflammation.


This is an inflammation that impacts tendons connecting bone and muscle. With this condition, even small movements can cause pain.


Your sciatic nerve is at the spine’s base and is found through the hips, buttocks, and legs. If the nerve is injured or aggravated, it will cause pain in the lower portion of your body.

At-Home Remedies to Alleviate Hip Pain While Sleeping

If your hip aches or hurts while sleeping, you may try readjusting your position first. Some postures can help alleviate the pain you experience. Some ways to adjust your position include:

Sleep on Your Back

Some people find sleeping on their back is better and reduces the pain. This can require some trial and error to see how you feel. You can try putting a pillow under your knees to alleviate some of the pain.

Sleep on Your Side

While one side is likely more comfortable than the other, side sleeping is still an effective way to alleviate sciatica pain. Try placing pillows between your legs to maintain the natural separation and ensure everything remains aligned.

Use More Pillows

Adding a pillow under your back or between your knees can make a huge difference. You may want a few extra pillows or a body pillow to help improve your comfort and minimize pain through the night.

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Hip Pain

When you go to a physical therapist for help with your hip pain, they can provide tips and advice to help alleviate it. Usually, this includes exercises and stretches to improve your flexibility and strength in the affected area. The soft tissues, tendons, and muscles that support the hip joint must be flexible and strong to ensure proper stability.

The physical therapist you use can also teach you how to use foam rollers, and other exercises and stretches before and after working out. Engaging in specific stretches and movements will also help relieve pain if you are standing or sitting for a long time on the job.

Alleviating Hip Pain While You Sleep                                   

Hip pain can make it difficult to get a good night’s rest, but you can take steps to alleviate this pain, which can help you feel better and sleep better. 

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