Sunday 7 December 2014

Back Problems Leading To Sciatica Pain

By Neil Jones

Often people ignore back and leg pains until they become severe enough to merit attention. While not all back pains or leg pains will be serious and can be treated easily, some may require extended medical treatment. If you are suffering from leg pain and possibly some numbness or weakness that starts from the low back, through the buttock and down your leg, you could be suffering from sciatica.

Usually, large majorities of people who do experience sciatica get better in time but it is always best to get medical treatment and undergo therapy in time.
What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is usually the condition caused by irritation to the sciatic nerves. Sciatic Nerves are one of the largest in our bodies and start from the base of the lumbar spice. They run through either side, through the buttocks and then down the legs, going all the way to the feet. If the roots of these sciatic nerves are pinched, pain is felt not only in the back but also the buttocks and lower legs.
What Are the Symptoms of Sciatica?

When the sciatica nerve root gets compressed, pain starts affecting all the areas that the nerve runs through. The pain could be dull or even sharp at times, at times there is just a burning feeling. This is usually accompanied by some shooting pain starting in the buttock going down the leg or the back of the thigh. At times, rather than actual pain, there is just a tingling or sense of numbness. It may prove to be difficult to stand up and even coughing or sneezing aggravates the pain.
What Are the Problems Causing Sciatica Pain?
Most of the times, sciatica is caused by what is commonly referred to as "slipped disc". The disc in this case refers to the discs that form part of our spine and act as shock absorbers for all the heavy work that the spine has to do. When we bend or twist, the pressure on these discs increases. At times, when there is a sudden, violent twisting movement or one is carrying a very heavy load that adds tremendously to the pressure on the discs, the soft center in the discs pushes through the outer cover. This bulge then starts to press against the sciatic nerve roots nearby causing pain, numbness and a general sense of weakness in the limbs.
There are other causes that could lead to irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve leading to sciatic pain. These include aging, which causes part of the spine to become rough and enlarged. At times, though very rarely, infections and tumors could be found to cause the problems.
How can Sciatica Pain be treated?
Most sciatica pain can be treated with simple painkillers or anti-inflammatory medications, followed by physical therapy and rest. Only in very severe cases, is surgery suggested as a remedy for sciatica pain.
If you are suffering from lower back pain or leg pain, seek advise from your doctor and treat sciatica immediately for early relief.

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