Thursday 3 March 2016

Yoga for sciatica and low back pain relief

By Johanna Steinfeld

Sciatica and pain in our low backs is almost an epidemic in our society.
For the most part we have lost the connection of walking in balance and our backs bear the brunt of our anatomical misalignments. Add to this held tensions and stress, and our poor bodies are overwhelmed with how to properly support us.
Yoga practice guides our awareness more deeply through our body and through the koshas/layers of the body. We move through the physical layer to the energetic layer to the intellectual layer to the subtle layer. It is this pathway in that teaches you how to listen and connect more deeply with what’s happening inside your body.
By practising the following series, you will discover weaknesses through places of discomfort. With practice and over time, you will learn how to strengthen and engage the muscles that support your hips, back, knees and ankles. If these movements are very uncomfortable for you, don’t despair. That means the poses are working and continue to practise them. It takes commitment to practice and patience of time for things to change.
Whether you are just beginning your yoga practice or have been practising for a long time, Supta Padagusthasana is a series of postures we consistently practise. ‘Supta’ means lying down, ‘pada’ is your foot and ‘gusthas’ big toe. This pose is translated as lying-down-hand-to-big-toe pose. Eventually, once things have opened, you will be able to wrap your index and middle fingers around your big toe as you stretch your leg straight overhead. In the meantime, we practise these postures with the assistance of a strap, or you can use a men’s tie as I am doing here.
The benefit to this series of poses is that since you are lying on your back, your back is safely supported by the floor. The correct actions in this pose help create traction in the lower back while the stretch of the legs will help to balance tension and any distortions on the two sides of your back.
Try these poses anytime during your day and commit to practicing this series everyday for one week. You will notice a difference in how you feel and everyday will be a little more.
Follow along with this months video for a mini yoga practice with guided instruction
Remember that practising Yoga under the watchful eye of a skilled teacher is the best way to refine and build your practice.

Supta Padagusthasana
Begin lying on your back. Check in with your breath and your body. If your back feels tight here, keep your extended leg bent, foot on the floor, while you do these stretches.
If you find your head arching back so your chin is higher than your forehead, place a folded blanket under your head, and draw your chin down to lengthen the back of your neck.

Supta padagusthasana A
Hug your right knee into your chest and extend your left leg long on the floor. Breathe here and give your body permission to relax and lengthen.
Place the strap over the sole of your right foot and work the strap up to the balls of your foot.
Press your foot into the strap and straighten your leg.
Relax your shoulders and your face. Breathe normally.
Bring your attention to extending your right leg up and your left leg strongly along the floor and away from you. Stabilize yourself by engaging your abdominals all around.
Notice if your right hip is hiking up and draw your right hip away from your head.
Work the actions of the pose and stay here for 10 breaths.

Supta padagusthasana B
Place both ends of your strap into your right hand. Place your left hand on your left thigh as a reminder to keep your left thigh and hip grounded to the floor for stability. Extend your right leg strongly and as you exhale, open the right leg out to the right side. Move slowly so you can feel how you engage the muscles in your legs and how you use your abdominal muscles to help stabilize the pose.
Once you have reached the full expression of the pose, extend both legs strongly by pressing out through your heels.
Breathe here for five full breaths. Engage your abdominal muscles to help you bring your leg back upright.

Supta padagusthasana C
Place both ends of the strap into your left hand. Open your right arm out to the side at shoulder height.
Inhale and extend your leg strongly up. As you exhale, slowly lower your leg out to the left side. Draw your right hip down toward the end of your mat and turn your head to the right. Press out through both heels to energize the pose.
Breathe here for five full breaths. Engage your abdominal muscles to help you bring your leg back upright.
Rest in savasana for a few breaths before you switch legs and repeat the above sequence on the left side.
The following two poses are designed to open your hips and help invite in relaxation and ease of breath.

Sucirandrasana/Thread the Needle Pose
Bend your knees and place your feet on the floor. Hug your right knee into your chest then cross your right ankle over your left knee. Flex your right foot strongly. If you are feeling an opening through your right hip, stay here. If you can move more deeply, bring your left thigh into your chest and interlace your fingers behind your left thigh.
Keep your breath, face and shoulders relaxed.
Stay here for five — 10 breaths
Release and switch sides.

Supta Baddha Konasana
Release your knees out to the sides and bring the soles of your feet together. You can place some rolled up blankets or blocks under your knees to support your inner thighs and encourage relaxation. Rest your hands on your belly and close your eyes.
Rest here for as long as you feel comfortable. Keep your awareness on your breath and relax the muscles of your face and your shoulders.
Stretch your legs out and rest in savasana for 5 — 10 minutes.

Enjoy your practice
Namaste and Happy Yoga

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