Saturday 30 March 2019

Suffering from sciatica? Here is what you need to do


Compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve (which is the longest nerve in your body) may lead to a condition known as sciatica. It causes pain which can originate from your lower back, radiating down your leg to your calf. It may be on one side of your body. You will experience immense pain even during activities like sneezing, coughing, standing or sitting. To deal with it, you will have to strengthen your upper back. So, you MUST exercise on a daily basis. Doing so can be helpful for your back muscles and may support your spine too. This can also allow you to stimulate the production of natural painkilling chemicals known as endorphins. However, you should avoid weight training if you are suffering from sciatica. But, you can try some other exercises like swimming, which won't worsen your condition. Remember to speak to your expert or fitness trainer, before undertaking any fitness program. Also, here are some natural remedies for you.

Ginger: It is loaded with potassium and it has been proven by science that potassium deficiency can lead to excruciating sciatica pain. Go for ginger tea or simply chew on ginger.

Celery juice: It helps lower pain and inflammation owing to its anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. So, drink it now!

Aloe vera juice: It contains anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. This juice is effective in tackling sciatica because of the ethanolic extracts present in it.

Turmeric: It contains curcumin which is anti-inflammatory and analgesic in nature and can help you relieve pain and inflammation caused due to sciatica. You can drink turmeric milk.

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