Wednesday 23 October 2019

When to See Your Doctor About Leg Pain


Every day, your legs take the most brunt from the activities you undertake. However, you should not experience pain due to this. However, if you experience, you should not ignore it because it could be an indicator of  a serious condition. Leg pains may result from three kinds of conditions – these are ailments that result from bone, joints, and muscle, conditions relating to veins and clots, as well as nerve conditions. So, when should you consider seeing a doctor due to leg pain? Here are situations that require you to seek medical attention:

1.  Blood ClotsWhenever blood thickens and clumps together inside a vein, it turns into a clot. When this happens in a vein that is located deep inside the body, it is referred to as deep vein thrombosis. The majority of deep vein clots occur in the lower part of the leg or on the tight. The possibility of these clots occurring is high among people who remain inactive for extended periods of time, for instance during long car rides or flights.

Persons who smoke, are overweight or are on certain medications are predisposed to blood clots. What makes deep vein clots highly risky is the fact that clots can break and get into the bloodstream then travel through the artery to the lungs. If this happens, the clot blocks the flow of blood – causing a serious condition known as pulmonary embolism. Some steps that you can take to prevent deep vein clots are weight loss, support stockings, and medication. If you suspect that you have developed a blood clot, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

2.  Peripheral arterial disease of the lower extremities
This is a condition that occurs when arteries that feed the legs get hardened and damaged. When the arteries get blocked or become narrow, the legs do not get sufficient blood. This causes the lower parts of the legs to cramp. As a result, pain is experienced during exercise, walking or climbing stairs. At the onset of this condition, patients can manage with taking rest. However, is the arteries are severely blocked or narrowed; the pain remains persistent and would do not heal as they should.
Persons who are at risk of developing this condition are people who are obese, smokers and persons who have high cholesterol, are diabetic or have high blood pressure. If you develop this condition, you need to see a doctor. There are instances where surgery may be required after hours doctors services but treatment includes medicines to control diabetes, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. In addition to medication, making lifestyle changes such as eating healthier, quitting smoking, managing weight and exercising can help.

3.  Varicose veins
These are common conditions that many are familiar with because they show on the skin surface. The veins have a twisted, purple or dark blue appearance that results from a weak vein and valve walls. Persons who have this condition tend to experience dull aches after standing. Some pain-relieving treatments include the use of support stockings and switching between sitting and standing throughout the day. In addition to these medications, patients should see a doctor to access other kinds of treatment, particularly when the varicose veins are extremely painful.

4.  Narrowed spinal canal and sciatica
There are instances where nerve problems can be a cause of leg problems. One of these problems is the narrowed spinal canal that results from spinal arthritis, and sciatica that developed when there is pressure on nerve roots due to the push by the herniated disc. Some of the common signs of sciatica are numbness, weakness, tingling, fatigue and leg pain that is associated with burning and cramping of the leg when a person stands or sits.

This pain can start from the hip and the back, then extend to the legs later. While taking rest can help with other leg pains, it does not help much with sciatica. Rather, this condition requires a patient to see a doctor who may recommend medications such as pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. Patients are also advised to rest for several days. Stretching exercises and physical therapy as well as cold and help do help with relieving some symptoms. If there are no changes and the pain does not reduce, doctors may recommend surgery or change medication.

5.  Diabetic neuropathy
This is a complication that develops due to diabetes where nerves get damaged by high levels of blood sugar. The condition causes pain on both legs coupled with reduced sensation and numbness on the lower parts of the legs. If you have this condition, it’s important that you see your doctor right away for pain control treatment as well as medications to manage blood sugar levels.

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