Thursday 30 April 2020

The biggest mistake made by people suffering from back pain and sciatica


James Ruport, a physical therapist and Troutdale's leading sciatica specialist, says rest may actually increase back pain

Back pain and sciatica are the two most common complaints we help people with at the clinic. If you ever survey your friends on the topic, you'll likely find that nearly all of them have had issues with their backs at some point. Many of them will also experience sciatica.

I want to tell you about a patient we worked with recently. Her story is common. She was lifting a load of laundry and felt a twinge of pain in her lower back that left her hunched over.

Naturally, she took the next few days to take it easy, hoping she'd be back to normal in no time. Unfortunately, the couple of days of rest turned into several weeks. Not only that, but all of the sitting and resting was actually making her back pain worse and gradually started to shoot down the back of her right buttocks and into her leg.

We call this shooting leg pain "sciatica." In this case, the pain was caused by a bulging disc in her spine. The disc was putting pressure on the sciatic nerve, causing pain as well as numbness and tingling in her foot.

What did she do wrong? And what can she do to cure his back pain and sciatica?

You probably can guess: Her biggest mistake is that she tried to ignore the pain and thought that resting would make it better. Many people compound this mistake by taking painkillers, which only mask the pain and often make themselves worse in the process.

Why doesn't resting help? In this case the resting position was sitting down. While that can feel good for brief periods, when you stand up the pain will likely be even worse.

Now that we know what she did wrong, lets talk about what can be done to start feeling relief, and what you can do if you have the same pain.
• Avoid sitting for more than five minutes. And when you do sit make sure your lower back is supported with a pillow or towel to prevent forward rounding. 
• Start slowly stretching your spine backward. Lay on your stomach slowly propping up on your elbows. If this increases your pain down your leg, stop immediately and let us know.
• If the pain is too severe, lay flat on your back with your legs supported on a couch, ottoman or pillows.

Caution: These tips will work with the most common type of disc bulges, but you might need further evaluation to take the pressure off the nerve.

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