Thursday 29 July 2021

Sacroiliac pain and sciatica

By Sandra Genest-Boudreau

It is easy to mistake a sacroiliac pain with sciatica. Both those conditions may refer pain down the leg and can create quite difficulties walking or sitting.
And, in both cases, the pain may not be only localised in the back itself but in the hip and leg area.

The sacroiliac and hip joints support the upper back. If there is a problem with this base, the entire spine may be affected.

Sacroiliac chronic conditions may actually lead to an increased disc pressure in the lumbar spine and eventually create sciatica.

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve which takes its origin at the lower lumbar area where nerve roots exit and extend down each leg.

When back problems like bulging discs or severe posterior joints inflammation put pressure on the sciatic nerve, it results as pain in the lower back, buttocks, hips and back of the leg possibly all the way down to the toes. Coughing, sneezing or other kinds of movement can be very painful.

The pain may be dull, achy, sharp or similar to electric shocks. You may also feel burning, tingling, numbness sensations in the foot or leg.

The sacroiliac pain has similarities to sciatica, which is why we see many new patients coming in telling us they have sciatica, but, in fact, it is a sacroiliac inflammation or mechanical dysfunction.

According to different studies published in the British Medical Journal, the sacroiliac joints are to blame for 50% to 70 % of the adults who suffer with lower-back pain.

The typical sacroiliac symptoms are pain localised over one side in the lower back and in the buttock area. Sometimes the pain may be referred to the hip, groin and the posterior thigh. It makes it difficult to get back up from a sitting position.

Common causes to spinal and sacroiliac dysfunctions are bad posture (ex: sitting on one’s wallet in the back pocket), lack of exercise, being overweight, lifting the wrong way, chronic lack of sleep and stress. Yes, stress is a silent contributor to spinal problems.

Your body will respond to stress by increasing your blood pressure and heart rate, flooding your body with stress hormones which tighten your muscles. These tensions cause your muscles to become sore, weak and loaded with trigger points, contributing to nerve irritation.

Chiropractic adjustments commonly correct these dysfunctions allowing the supporting musculature to return to a healthy, balanced state. The primary goal of chiropractic is to locate and correct the cause of your problem.

Whether the source of the pain is lumbar spine or sacroiliac pain, a chiropractor may help you. Do not let yourself suffer with pain or miss out on activities because they may make your pain worse. Sacroiliac joints and your entire spinal column will thank you. Most of all, you could say good-bye to your leg pain.

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