Monday 27 May 2019

8 Sciatica Myths that May be Making Your Life Miserable


You may know that the sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in your body. It extends from the lower back to the back of each leg.
However, if you think sciatica is a medical condition, you’ve fallen victim to a common myth. Sciatica is not a medical condition but a symptom of an underlying condition such as spinal stenosis, a lumbar herniated disc, or degenerative disc disease.
In fact, that’s not the only common myth about sciatica. Below are eight sciatica myths that may make your life miserable.

Myth #1: Sciatica Only Affects Inactive People

Even though sedentary people have a higher risk of sciatica compared to active people, both groups are at risk.
Carrying heavy loads and twisting your back can massively increase the risk of sciatica among active people. Poor form while exercising and skipping stretching after workouts are contributing factors as well.

Myth #2: Surgery Is the Only Way to Treat Sciatica

Most cases of sciatica can be treated in just six weeks using nonsurgical methods, but severe and debilitating cases may require surgery to prevent further damage.
Note that infrequent and irritating sciatica pain may get worse if you ignore it, so seek treatment as soon as possible.

Myth #3: You Should Rest if You Have Sciatica

Research shows that staying in bed all day won’t get rid of the agonizing pain. You’re better off staying active and doing exercises that may help reduce sciatica pain.
In some cases, staying inactive can worsen the pain because it’ll lead to weak back muscles and tight hamstrings, which have been linked to lower back pain.

Myth #4: Leg Pain Means You Have Sciatica

Most people self-diagnose sciatica if they have leg pain and back pain, but realize that pain in your legs and back can be unrelated.
You may experience back pain due to muscle knots, muscle tightness or poor posture. Leg pain, on the other hand, may be triggered by cellulitis, muscle strains and vascular issues. Talk to your doctor, if you have chronic leg or back pain to find out the true cause.

Myth #5: If You Have Sciatica, the Pain Will Never Go Away

This myth wasn’t born out of thin air. Many people are frustrated because they’ve undergone numerous different treatment methods without success. However, sciatica is curable. You just need a skilled doctor who can pinpoint the problem and use the right method of treatment.

Myth #6: Medications Are the Best Way to Treat Sciatica

Taking medications may seem like the easiest way to treat sciatica but they’re not very effective. Research shows there’s low-quality evidence the drugs used to treat sciatica are effective. For people with severe symptoms, antidepressants, opioid analgesics, NSAIDs and corticosteroids may not help at all.

Myth #7: Nobody Knows What Causes Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when your sciatic nerve is compressed or pinched. The compression can be caused by a herniated disc, narrowing of the spinal canal or bony growth.

Myth #8: Treatment for All Patients is the Same

The treatment method that works for another person may not work for you, even when you share the same symptoms. Your treatment has to be based on your specific symptoms and cause of pain.

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